My Projects
g;ode web
#g;ode #nuxt.js #tailwindcss
Website for converting gibberish caused by Thai user forgetting to change their keyboard layout. Made with NuxtJS and TailwindCSS.
g;ode API
#express #api #g;ode
Simple API that convert gibberish caused by Thai user forgotting to change their keyboard layout.
#node.js #g;ode #gode.js #npm
Node.js package that converts gibberish caused by Thai user forgetting to change their keyboard layout.
Wordle Answer
#wordle #wordle_answer #nuxt.js #vercel
A daily Wordle Answer.
#thwordle #thwordle_answer #nuxt.js #vercel
Since Thwordle stores answer in a public repository, I thought I would abuse it a bit.
#discord_bot #python #covid-19
Discord bot providing information about Thai Covid-19 patient information.
#discord_bot #valorant #apex_legends #node.js #discord.js
Discord bot for querying rank for VALORANT and Apex Legends player.
Grade 9 Class Graduation Pictures
Not related to tech, but here's pictures I took for me and my friend's Secondary school graduation.